I bet most of you don’t know (I feel pretty confident saying this, because I didn’t know until a few days ago) that I haven’t thrown away a belt in the last 20 years. Some of you have met my mom, and so that information probably doesn’t come as any real surprise. Be that as it may, it does allow me to present this dress belt retrospective…
As you can see, I’ve gone from a black belt to browns, and from solid to weaves. The black belt probably happened when I got a new suit for confirmation. The next belt came when Lauren and I moved back to Seward. Samith took me shopping for a new suit (my own judgment in these matters being suspect) and along with the suit came a pair of shoes, a few shirts, a couple of ties and a belt. The last belt has come about, not in response to a change in wardrobe, but because my former belt was slowly shrinking. As most of you are aware, leather will shrink with age, and so when the last belt hole reached an untenable position, I had to retire it. Happy Birthday to me.
You’ve only owned three belts in the last twenty years?!I’ve gotten three new belts in the last TWO years alone. Interesting… So I wonder if I’ve held on to anything for an unnatural length of time like that.
And the change in length from the first to the last is giving me a good laugh. 😀
Well, I’ve only had three Dress Belts in the last 20 years. I’d say there are about a dozen belts total hanging around my closet.
I just have to say that there are several things in his closet that should be let go. Some shoes that have not been worn in over a decade, and some shirts that will never ever be worn again.
Lauren, if he is like me. I threw out a big bag of belts and guess what. They are all back in style this year. At least he isn’t shrinking
My condolences.
Happy Birthday Lloyd….can Trevor have your first belt? It will save me a trip to the Wal-Marts tonight.
I don’t know if I could bare to part with it. It’s not that I have any delusions of it ever being useful again (for its intended purpose), but once you start hoarding things it’s hard to stop.
My early belts shrunk in my first 5 years of marriage. Suppose the quality of cooking in my kitchen had something to do with it?
Are you suggesting that since it took Lloyd almost 14 years of marriage that the quality of cooking in his kitchen may be suspect? :)! HA! Sorry, Lauren…
No offense taken. I DARE anyone to get fat off of my cooking! Lloyd’s weight gain is entirely due to complete lack of exercise. If he actually used the exercise bike, I’m sure he’d waste away. (By the way, my mom is a really good cook – Dad’s not joking.)
I forgot! Happy Birthday!