Bradaptation needs your help. It has recently come to our attention that Bradapation has used up over 90% of its allotted bandwidth. And, as I’m sure you know, once it’s gone there will be no more Bradaptation.* Operators are standing by now to take your donations to help save
Think of the children.
(click here for larger image) *Um, until the end of the month, I think.
Michele says
Brad, maybe if you didn’t post stupid pictures of your toe blisters and soap fingers, you would have more space!
I think this calls for an auction of those unwanted ties – we can raise money that way. How else could we survive? I will pledge one fifth of my salary to keep Bradapation alive!
Peggy says
D’oh! Does this mean you posted too much or we commented too much? Let’s see, I can donate a buffalo nickel, a slightly used chapstick, a Concordia College VHS tape and a “I Gave Blood Today” sticker. Hope this helps.
Brad says
It means Lloyd didn’t give me enough space on his server. Hey, Lloyd, how about bumping me up to that 9.77 Gig category? What does this preschoolpointers person do that they get such a generous allotment of bandwidth?
Lloyd says
Whatever it is, she is actually quite behind in her payments.
Peggy says
Toe blisters? You mean the 8 X 10 close up of the feet? I never did see the blister or sunburn. I did notice though that Brad has a mole/freckle on his left foot in the EXACT SAME SPOT that I do, (but mine is smaller). Ha … we’re mole mates!! (I’ll donate my mole for the cause if need be.)
Lauren says
If I understood what any of this means, I would surely offer to help – perhaps bake a casserole or donate a kidney. I love Bradaptaion – long may it live!
Peggy says
(ha! I was gonna put donate a kidney … great minds think alike, yes?)
Lauren says
We can donate your kidney. I’m down with that.
Lloyd says
UPDATE: We’ve had several generous donations to keep bradaptation on the internet. You can help by bidding on this brand new iPhone on ebay. Sale of the iPhone will help offset the staggering cost of keeping Brad’s site operating.
Karla says
I’ve done my part and placed a bid on the phone. Oh, I hope and pray that I win it!!
Lloyd says
You’ve been the high bidder longer than anyone else. I think you have a chance.
Lloyd says
Hmm, It looks like Sam is the high bidder now at $2.25. He’s always doing things like that… mistakenly putting decimal points in his bids.
Karla says
HA! I’ve got it now…
Karla says
Drat! And I was hoping to make a tidy profit on that phone by reselling it.
Lloyd says
Are any of you fitzpatj19692dg1? That’s an odd username and the current high bidder.
Cousin Sam says
A question(s): Why the receipt? Are trying to remind people how stupid they are if they bid over what you paid? I got in trouble for bidding $2.25. I beleive the comment was, “You already have a phone.” Already have a wife too…
Lloyd says
There was a bit of a question about whether people were selling iPhones that they were going to get of iPhones that are in hand and ready to ship out. I’m hoping that no one meets the reserve price (which is $1200, so feel free to bid up to that without worrying about getting it) because I REALLY want to open it.
Did you explain to Rachel that it wasn’t a LEGO phone?
Karla says
Oh! You’re on!! Here I go bidding!!
Karla says
Congratulations on your new iPhone! 🙂
Does this mean Bradaption is going away?
Lloyd says
brad made a very good salad for dinner, so I’ll up the bandwidth.
PS I’m writing this comment on the iPhone that you so graciously bid on.
Lloyd says
UPDATE 2: Stop going there. Now Brad’s up to 93% of his bandwidth. I fear I’ve only added to his perplexing bandwidth problem. Oh, and bid more on the iPhone (It’ll be fun to tell people you bid on one on ebay).
Peggy says
Way to cause mass hysteria Lloyd! Have you considered a job with Homeland Security? …. the power of suggestion …