Is it just me? All summer, whenever I would put on my capris – which are all the same brand – the right front pocket would bunch up and stick out.  I never noticed it until Cousin Rachel pointed it out, so I think I spent the first part of the summer looking like an idiot. But seriously, is it me? So I have poor pants-putting-on skills? Or could it be the brand of pants?
It won’t “be you” until there is a food or paint stain on it!
I’m thinking, perhaps, your right hip bone sticks out a bit more than your left and when you put your pants on your hip bone causes Unflattering Bunching of the Pocket Syndrome (UBPS).
Oh, and clever thing…taking a picture if yourself in the mirror. I almost made a fool of myself pointing out that the pocket in the picture is actually your left…until I noticed the little reflection lines across the front of your pants, indicating a picture being taken in the mirror…
Thank you years of crime drama viewing, thank you OCD.
Hey, this wasn’t here when I left my comment …
Maybe your hips are uneven & that contributes to the pocket mishap. One of my hips is higher than the other. Dang it, there’s really nothing right about me.
Do you put your pants on one leg at a time?
I doubt if it’s you that is defective. The pants were probably “made in CHINA”.
Yeah, don’t lick them. They probably contain lead paint dye!