Homecoming week means dress-up days, and every few years we do nerd day. This, of course, begs the question whether I should wear anything different, but I usually do. four years or so ago Tom Guilford bought a tie for me that has a can holder, pen holder, ID badge holder and some other holder that I have yet to identify, but that works reasonably well for glasses. To that I added about a half dozen devices clipped to my belt and the obligatory pocket protector complete with slide rule. Lauren also supplied some attitude glasses that hadn’t been worn since college.
Naturally, there were some who were confused about the social outcast hierarchy and who dressed as dorks, dweebs, nerds and Klingons.
Brad says
It’s like you’ve infected your students. They all look like you. “You will be assimilated… resistance is futile.”
(Does quoting Star Trek make me a nerd?)
Deanne says
Yes; just embrace it.
Beth says
I’m just glad that when you squatted down for that picture duct tape did not become a necessity…
Annette says
But just in case, I think he can hold duct tape in his tie!
Annette says
Your left arm is crazy wicked long to be able to reach all the way around Hanna D. which makes you Gumby, which makes you really cool!
Peggy says
That’s hysterical … thanks for pointing it out!
Lloyd says
Drat, now you know my secret power.
Peggy says
Now we know why you’re considered the long arm of the law at your school.
Beth says
Peggy says
What a lovely assortment of nerds! Try taking the Nerd Test @ Nerdtest.com. “I’m not nerdy, but not hip”. I beg to differ. I’m pretty hip.
Beth says
I tried to get to nerdtest.com. No luck. I want to know if I’m hip! (I won’t be, but I want to know for sure…)
Peggy says
google: Nerdtest.com
It should be the 1st one that comes up. I’d put a link here, but apparently I’m not nerding enough to figure out how to do that. Calling all nerds: how do you put a linky thing here?
Beth says
And I’m a low ranking nerd. Definitely a nerd, but on the low end of the nerd totem pole. My score was 61.
Annette says
Slightly Dorky Non-Nerd, whoops, there was a score to report???? 🙂
Michele says
I’m afraid to try it!
Beth says
Oh, and Lloyd is going to blow the top off the nerd test.
Lloyd says
Slightly Dorky Nerd King
Christina says
Ha, I was slighty dorky nerd queen, maybe we are related.
Brad says
My score was 59. “Lightly Nerdy” The follow-up commentary said, “Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.”
Annette says
fence sitter
Deanne says
I’m a high nerd… I don’t believe it! I guess it’s all the Math Club stuff. Geez.
Lauren says
I just wasted precious work time taking that test, only to find I’m an Uber Cool Light-Weight Nerd. I don’t think that’s accurate, though, since most of the easily-accessed nerd things in my house are Lloyd’s.