There’s so much to do to prepare for the holidays – buy groceries, think about setting up some Christmas stuff, and wash the cats.
I think I must have a brain tumor or something, because lately everything smells funny to me. (Maybe I should switch deodorant?) The cats (Pfennig) were really starting to smell funny, though, so I told Lloyd we needed to give the cats (Pfenning) baths. Ok, so even though Pfenning is the only one who needs the dunking, I give Cricket one too – just to be fair. Surprisingly, she’s the more docile one. Just one mad ‘meow’, then she just takes it. Pfennig has a stroke in the sink. Nobody can take a picture of that – we need four arms to restrain her.
So do they smell like apple blossom or Dawn?
You should just take them in the shower with you. Then you can hug them to yourself while you’re standing under the water. I’m sure that wouldn’t be dangerous.
Lauren – four arms, six arms, eight even would not be enought to keep my cat in a sink. We must resort to the shower as Brad suggests. And Brad let me say, the scratches on the poor soul who braves the shower with our cat proves the true danger of the situation. And, the sounds that come from our cat during her shower are unlike any other. I simply can’t find the words to explain.
You people must have messed up cats. Cats bathe themselves. I pity the fool (said with the emphasis of Mr. T) who would even consider getting Bobbie close to a bath – his/her fate would mimic that squirrel under our back porch steps.
Get dogs, they rule!
But, dogs do NOT bathe themselves.
Bath or no bath, they ALWAYS smell like dogs too!