Avast, ye mateys! I missed Talk Like a Pirate Day back in September (one of Lloyd’s favorite holidays), but I’m in the spirit now! Cricket has been uncharacteristically (by the way, that’s the longest word I’ve ever spelled correctly on the first shot) needy lately, and has started to climb me if I’m not giving her enough attention. She’d make a fine parrot, wouldn’t you say?
In other news, I left that stupid seat heater plugged in again in my truck, so I had to walk home from work. Stupid Lauren. Stupid wonderful tushy-warmer.
Maybe Cricket is like that cat at that nursing home and is trying to tell you you’re going to die. Do you feel okay?
Some to think of it (cough cough) I do feel (cough) kinda sick today (sniff). Maybe I shouldn’t go to work (sniffle cough) today. I’ll have Cricket write me a note.
What in the world does Short RING mean?
Lloyd, you have to take that one.
Lloyd’s too ‘on the couch’ to answer, so here goes: Last year during finals the middle schoolers watched a movie in the gym while the rest of the school took tests. They were off their regular schedule, so one of the office ladies had to manually ring the bell. Apparently she was ringing it too long for Lloyd’s liking (disturbing the movie), so he asked her to ring it shorter, please. She didn’t. Lloyd wrote ‘Short Ring’ on a piece of paper and taped it over the bell buttons. She saved the paper, framed it, and gave it to him at their Fall staff party.
Thanks for the explanation. It must have been a pretty good movie.
Cricket? Don’t you mean “Drakken the Awful” ?
Remember what a 500 pound parrot says?
Are you going to keep us in suspense???
I know! I know!
Me too!
Is it, “Here kitty, kitty kitty!” ?
Or maybe “Polly wanna a cracker – NOW!!!”
I don’t think it matters…you just do as he asks