I’m not sure anymore if Laurenburg means Lauren city or Lauren mountain, but I’m pretty sure it’s one of those two. Unfortunately, Laurenburg needs more visitors if it’s going to thrive and prosper in 2008. I don’t know what the future has in store for Laurenburg, but I’m assured that the more people who visit the city the faster it will grow. So lets get those extra credit points rolling and send annoying email to all your friends and add a link at the bottom of all your emails and put a link on your websites and tell your coworkers at the water cooler (assuming your water cooler is connected to the interweb). You can make your own city here.
Deanne says
I am a proud new inhabitant of Laurenburg. I clicked twice, but I didn’t know if it’s looking for unique ip addresses. I’ll click again from work.
Merry Christmas!
Lauren says
What is this, Lloyd? You’re so crzay.
Lloyd says
This is why you shouldn’t let me make posts. No telling what weird things will come.
Brad says
Does Laurenburg have a national anthem? Get on that, Lauren.
Lauren says
Where’s my ukulele?
Beth says
I think you need to update the post picture to reflect the mass immigration…
Lloyd says
I’ll see what I can do.
Lloyd says
Well, I can’t find a way to make the image update on its own. But I did get a banner. Does that count? Evidently, you can visit the city one a day to add a person to the population. I didn’t know that.
Peggy says
In a town of only 15, why do we need to beef up security?
What kind of town is this anyway? Be warned: I have a gun.
Lloyd says
I town where the police force is on the take. Evidentually you only have to worry about those other things when you have a larger population.
Kristi says
The population of Foster (57) has now been exceeded by that of Laurenburg. Long live Mayor Lauren. I don’t know what that makes Lloyd.
Lauren says
First Man
Lloyd says
not First Stud?
Kristi says
Laurenburg is really climbing in the rankings. She’s gone from being in the upper 4000s to breaking into the 2000s for size-ranking. Are you going to have “Laurenburg Days” when you reach #1? What is the city mascot?