I’m riding on Lloyd’s coattails of fame again. He’s been elected as some sort of delegate, whatever that means. I don’t know why they did that – he’s terrible at delegating things. He’s all ‘If you want something done right, do it yourself’.
The official announcement was delivered by a government official to the box we have affixed on the outside of our house for important deliveries such as these. We also received an important document from Bank of America that we should OPEN IMMEDIATELY! for a new card with low…. never mind, that’s sensitive information.
I love how official the certificate looks! It’s chock-full of herebys and dulys and whereofs. My very favorite is the last line: “In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said County this 14th day of May, 2008.” It really makes that faded stamp look historic.
Oh, all comments must include either hereby, duly, whereof or hereunto. Double points for using all of them.
I am hereby surprised. I had duly changed to Republican so I could vote for Ron Paul, but whereof he isn’t getting the nomination, I’ll probably hereunto switch back to Libertarian. Is this some effort to help Republicans see the light? I’ll be interested to hear your story. Duly.
It must be duly noted hereunto this 16th day of May that both lloydandlauren and bradaptation hereby have used the verbage “chock full” in their posts. Whereof must they have chosen thus?
Ha! That’s really funny!
Lauren and I have been married too long… Now we’re using the same anachronisms.
what is an anachronism?
Your momma’s an anachronism.
Lloyd – that “your momma” comment made me laugh from the gut! Too funny.
FYI: “The medical board hereby declares that using the same anachronisms can cause swelling,chronic pain, skin irritations, blindness & in rare cases paralysis of the limbs. Hereunto, it is duly advised by the board to avoid the sharing of all and any anachronisms whereof possible.”
btw: you said use the words; not to make sense with the words.
And I say just wash & rinse those anachronisms really good & you should be fine.
Duly noted.
Hey, you! Feebler who thunderer!”
I cheated.
This is “yo momma” Lloyd. Whereas my dictionary says it is anything out of its proper time is history. Be it duly noted that hereunto and ever after we expect great things from this delegate even changing of nominations. Otherwise I will have to find my proper place in history.