Dear Soon-To-Be-Dead Cats,
What is the point of my closing off rooms so they don’t have to be heated when you just open those doors when I’m at work? I know that the door won’t latch because it’s winter and this dumb old house leans when it’s cold, but that’s no excuse. Knock it off. Don’t make me make Beth come over here.
The Boss
Beth says
Duct tape. That’s the real white-trash-way. But you’re getting there… 😉
The Exterminator Beth says
Just let me know. Just. Let. Me. Know.
Brad says
I think my dad has some Mighty Putty if you want to just close that door forever.
Brad says
While checking for links about Mighty Putty, I came across this one. The comments about Billy Mays are hilarious.
Lauren says
“He should have made the whole CUP outta putty!”
Deborah says
Is that the door to my room? You know I don’t like cats in my room. 🙂
Peggy says
Once your kids get older, especially teens, Christmas morning really loses something…so to add back some fun I once tied one end of a rope on each of my kids door knobs so they couldn’t open their doors on Christmas morning. Muahhhh….you can come out when you “Believe again!”
(that 2nd picture made me remember)
Karla says
Looks like Ghost Deanne has struck again!
Lauren says
Bad news. I came home today and I forgot to tie the door shut! Wide open. Stupid Lauren
Karla says
Dear Soon-To-Be-Dead Lauren…
Lauren says