Thank you, Samith!!!
Samith sent these most incredibly awesome metal bottles of Pepsi for my birthday, and I just love them. (Samith is in cahoots with the Pepsi people, y’know.) It’s an unhealthy kind of love – I keep walking by them and picking them up to feel their aluminum wonderfulness. Such pretty colors! Such magnificent designs! But…. there’s Pepsi inside! I desperately want to drink from them, but it seems like I should wait for a special occasion or something. Yes, yes, I’ll wait….
When Samith dropped them off, they had been sitting in his car overnight, and the temperature was -145 that night. It was the coldest Pepsi ever.
What an awesome gift!! Go ahead and drink one…just one…maybe on New Years…just don’t pick the one that will be worth millions down the road.
Yay for Pepsi!!
I just spent 20 minutes watching funny Pepsi commercials on YouTube. Good thing I’m on vacation…
I like the one where the boy stands on the coke cans…
Those look great! and they have Pepsi in them? I personally prefer Coke but those cans will definitely change my mind! 🙂