I like that Brad calls looking for something a ‘quest’. It sounds so much more noble than ‘dorking around Lincoln looking for cake mix’.
While Lloyd was at choir today, I drove around looking for a grocery store that carries Jiffy Devil’s Food cake mix. (Every so often I have a hankering for chocolate cake, and my homemade cakes are not reliable.) Every store I’ve visited only has yellow or white, along with their cornbread & muffin mixes. I’ve searched the internet but shipping costs ($17) would be prohibitive, since I’d have to buy a whole case ($21). I went to the Russ’s Market on 27th & Washington – no dice.
On my way to the gigantic Hy-Vee I took some side streets and stumbled upon Leon’s. This place was great! I would have taken pictures inside but I felt foolish. It’s small and homey, but had lots of extravagant foodie items. A sliver of super-aged cheddar cheese was $5 / $22 a pound. Yikes! They had lots of interesting cake mixes from all kinds of specialized companies, but only white and yellow Jiffy mix. I bought a jar of raspberry preserves so I would have a souvenir. This is the real purpose of this post – so I can remember where it is. On South street, turn south on Wintrop, just west of 33rd.
Next stop – the giant Hy-Vee. Same story with the cake mix, but I did get to help a lady who bemoaned to her cell phone, “I’m at the biggest Hy-Vee in the world and I can’t find the bouquet!” Thanks to Beth’s post, I knew what that was and helped her find it.
Super Saver, nothing. Not even white and yellow cake mix.
On our way out of town, we stopped at that place on Cornhusker right before you hit Highway 34. (I forgot the name.) Score!
How sad is it that buying cake mix makes me so happy?
If I’d have known you were Questing at grocery stores, I’d have had you look for “Cook & Serve” butterscotch pudding. I still haven’t found it. (Though I haven’t spent a whole day looking for it. That would just be crazy. No offense.)
Not crazy – sad.
Weiss has Weiss brand Cook & Serve Butterscotch…I was going to get you some, but I thought you might not even try it after experiencing their tp….but I can assure you that some of their products are excellent…like their pink lemonade. I’m going food shopping today so I’ll get you a box. What do you have to lose, except 2 cups of milk? Or Soy?
Why does Charles get to be 40 before me? I guess I wish that he had a happy birthday anyway.
Was it Save Mart in the Belmont area?
Will only Jiffy brand devils food cake mix do? Did any of those stores have other brands of devils food?
And I’d be elated too if I searched all day for something and finally found it. It’d be like finding gold…I’d be dancing in the aisle in a jiffy! (ha!)
You’re welcome to bake me one of those cakes, frost it and mail it to me. That’s what my mother did when I was in high school @ Concordia! Yum! Yes, at times they arrived in crumbs. 🙂
To Curt: I think so. Does Lincoln have a ‘Belmont area’? That makes it sound so swanky.
To Peggy: I wanted Jiffy because it makes a one-layer cake, which lends itself better to experimentation. 😉
To Dad: Grandmother mailed cakes? Wow – in a pan, right? I’m having visions of a two-tiered cake just stuck in a box. Better yet, could I just stick a stamp on a cake? This is worth some thought….. Hmmmm…..
We probably had gentler postal workers back then. Not having foam peanuts, she’d pack them in popcorn, sometime. Cookies fared better.
Lauren, email me if you want my very reliable chocolate cake recipe. I’ll send you the link.