I’m not sure if this is going to get as much use as the new membership directory, but After we got our pictures taken we had to bring in our cats. They posed them in typical Olan-Mills fashion, and they didn’t really turn out that bad. We got to pick one for free, and passed on ordering any for our family.
Hehe… well done.
I think Max will wait to do his portrait. He’s embarrassed about his weight right now.
What the? Your cats don’t even like eachother. At all. What the?
(Though they are quite smashing together.)
I thought the same thing. Wait a minute…I think Cricket is holding a claw up to Phennig’s neck!
You should put a popup thought above Cricket: “Finally, my oportunity to get rid of Phennig, once and for all! Meohahaha!!”
“Anybody moves and I blow this cat’s head off”
“I know what you’re thinking. “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”
I tried to get that texture/painting portraty look for the last photo. I think I just got that washed-out look.
Just like the pictures of olden days. Not a smile, not even a hint of a grin.
Excellent!! What a lovely family you have!! But really, how did you get them to sit like that…like models?
waaaaaait a minute… I’ve never heard of cat-photos…
They’re all the rage in the midwest. The craze will probably hit the coasts in a few years. Some people even use it in place of the member directory, because –as they say– people start to look like their pets.
Lauren, I never thought of you as being a crazy cat-lady, but this might change my mind a little. 😀
The pictures are very funny though.
Then it will give me great pleasure to point out that Lloyd both took the pictures and wrote the post. That makes him Crazy Cat Man, right?
Oh, sorry Lauren. I assumed you made this post. I am not going to call him Crazy Cat Man yet. He hasn’t dressed them has he?
Great job! I like the middle one best.