We’ve got a bug problem.
I find it fascinating that the mere shape of an insect can affect my reaction to it. Insects give me the jibblies if they’re not safely behind glass of some sort. Yet while I’m not a bug person, ladybugs are o.k. in my book. At the end of last summer we had DOZENS of crickets in our basement. If I remember correctly, we didn’t do a post about it because I was a little ashamed and a lot creeped out. This past week, though, I’ve carted out well over a dozen live ladybugs, and have yet to vacuum up the dead or mauled-by-cats ones.
So, if our house is on fire and the children all gone …. you know who to blame.
Ladybugs overwinter wherever they can find shelter from the cold. In the spring, they return to the garden, where they slaughter young aphids and feast on their still-twitching bodies.
So that’s what happened to the aphids I was training for the aphid circus.
And you won’t watch Saw why? I suspect you wrote Saw!
Our local hospital has a wonderful maternity ward on the 7th floor complete with an OR at the end of the hall of c-sections and births of multiples. When I had Zeke (12-2), they almost had do my c-section in the regular OR because of a ladybug infestation in the maternity OR! Arron was quick to point out that not only would I have to worry about Junior Mints landing inside my body, but ladybugs too!
Those can be very refreshing.
That’s what Arron kept saying when he came home from Target with a box of them a few days before the big day…
When I was about 11, my younger sister’s room was suddenly taken over by ladybugs. My mother diligently vacuumed them all up as they marched in, but the vacuum cleaner never smelled the same again.
The screened-in porch of our old apartment (the first floor of a crummy old house) was overrun by …. june bugs? once. They covered every surface in that room in maximum creepiness. We tried vacuuming them up, but they just crawled out of the vacuum. Jibblie jibblie jibblie.
(Lloyd, what were those bugs called?)
Fire Ants? No, wait… Boxelder bugs. The cats took out about the first 100, but after that they sort of lost interest.
For you crazy Nebraskian puzzle lovers:
(I gave up before I got the border right…honestly, there is not one piece that is all flower in the upper left corner…what’s up with that?)
I got it. It was fun.
Deanne…you actually clicked on a link of mine?!? Awesome!
finished, 12 seconds, beat that!
Impossible. Lets see the screen shot.