So with the high price of Pepsi nowadays, I’ve been drinking more iced coffee and lemonade. I’m trying some experiments with real lemons since we’re almost at the end of the gigantic green bottle in the fridge.
I’m putting the zest in a cup of sugar and letting it sit for a while. I’m thinking I could make some super-weak lemonade with it. I’ll let you know how it goes. The juice is just there… well, in case the lemonade needs help, I guess. I can’t just throw out a lemon.
Brad, can I grow a lemon tree inside?
(Can you tell it’s late and I’m tired? This is not well-written, and the pictures were taken in near-dark. Lloyd’ driving home from a soccer game in Omaha and I’m trying to stay up.)
We just squeeze lemons and dump in sugar to taste. In colombia, they throw the whole lemon in a blender with water and sugar, and then strain it. I don’t like it that way, because it gets bitter from the rind.
Ha! I can see the swedish chef making lemonade like this.
You can grow a lemon tree inside, but you’d need to leave the comforters off the window it sat in front of. They need a lot of light. And it may never fruit. But at least you’d have nice shiny leaves. Unless the plant got spider mites. Then the leaves would fall off.
…On second thought, no. No you can’t grow a lemon tree inside.
I’m sure Lloyd won’t mind the weak lemonade. In fact, he might ask for half-strength.
Zest, what is the zest part?
Zest is finely grated rind.
Lauren let(made) me smell it when I got home. The lemon zesty sugar smelled amazing. It was like smelling the best lemonade in the world.
So could you use it as an air freshner? I love the smell of lemon!
I had an indoor lemon tree once – a dwarf Meyer lemon. I got exactly one lemon from it. (Then I moved to Mississippi and couldn’t put the lemon tree on the moving van so I gave it to someone and they killed it. Then I got a new lemon tree and planted it outdoors and got one lemon each year and watched grasshoppers devour the leaves. But I digress…)
Try this for the best lemonade ever: use 15 lemons. Cut them lengthwise, and then into little semicircle slices, 1/4 inch thick. Put them in a big bowl. Cover with 1 1/2 cups of sugar and let sit for an hour or so. Then smash the mixture with a potato masher, then strain out the juice. Add water and ice….DELISH!
I’m in favor of any drink that involves a potato masher. 🙂