Nothing happened that I want to post about, and it’s late and I want to go to bed.
Somebody say something interesting, please.
Lloyd here, I would just like to point out that there is a Woot-Off going on today over at Woot sells one item each day until they sell out (you can buy 1, 2 or 3 of the item), but on Woot-Offs they get rid of all of their extra items from the last month or so. So they have a new –usually very, very cheap– item every 10 minutes or so.
If you haven’t been to woot before, it’s worth a visit just to read their descriptions of the items. The whole site is very tongue-in-cheek.
I’m making Greek celebration bread tomorrow from the Bread Baker’s Apprentice.
That is cool – what’s in Greek celebration bread?
Also, let me explain (now that I’ve slept) that I actually had a couple of topics for posts, but they were all so lame it was depressing to think of trying to make them sound non-lame.
it’s a pretty long list of ingredients
cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves,orange extract, almond extract, egg, honey, olive oil, milk, and of course bread flour.
Versions for other holidays have dried fruits in them : )
it was actually too hot and humid to bake today, or expect bread to rise… so I’ll try again tomorrow ^^;;
you should check out this book if you want to try baking bread. It’s pretty useful. I’ve made 5 different types of bread and they’ve all turned out.
If you wanna get started in bread try no knead bread. Easy and delicious!
Ps. I think this was a fun post, it’s interesting to see what is going on in other people’s lives ^_^ (I suppose moreso if you know who they are)
Cool! I actually know that post! It was before the ‘artisan bread in five’ days, but if I talk about bread with you here and now, Lloyd may kill me. (I have a slight bread obsession.)
🙂 I have a bread obsession too! I even bought a Peruvian bread book while I was in peru @_@ sooo cooool
hm… my comment didn’t show up, but ps, if you want to talk about bread I’m up for a conversation anytime *nod*
I tried sleeping in today. I made it to 8:30. But now I feel like I’ve wasted the whole day. Maybe I’ll take a nap to make myself feel better.
My big first morning of vacation and I only slept until 6am…..I need to go back to work so I can sleep in!
Arron wanted me to share that he has his final stabbing in the back procedure today that will kill a nerve (for a few months to a few years), and over the weekend I found out I have a blood clot in my ankle! Things are exciting in the Lehman household.
You guys are like medical marvels. Maybe you can have a discovery channel show?
Do you think we’d get as much an episode as Jon and Kate?
For a good time, go here!
Hey – where’s my post?
For a good time, go here.
Haha. Supposed there is one or less of me in the US.
We got the same thing for Arron’s mom. There was a small sigh of relief in our house. 😉
Okay, what’s going on? I just had two comments disappear!
The most popular Campbell’s Soup in Hong Kong is watercress and duck gizzard.
How on earth do you know that?
It’s common knowledge!