It’s not easy being a weather god. Oh, the power I wield! I tell winter, “Jump” and winter says, “How high, Lauren?” Good winter. Good season. Dat’s a good season, ohyessyouare.
We got dumped on by a fair amount of snow. The official record says it was 12 inches but it was a heavy, wet snow that packed down. It made for a nice, peaceful weekend, except for not having any television signal due to the satellite dish being covered with snow. Lloyd told his parents about it and his dad was very concerned that we wouldn’t be able to watch the Superbowl. He recommended a big stick to knock it off. While we didn’t care so much about the football game, who doesn’t want to smack at their satellite dish with a big pole? No one, that’s who.
Oh, here’s a piece of winter advice regarding that adorable ‘hat’ of snow on top of your car that you might be too lazy to remove. Lloyd and I went to shovel at my school, and on the way back a little bit of the ‘hat’ slid down over the windshield. We were approaching a stop sign and I said, “Slam on the brakes”, thinking that it would slide off and down the hood.
Um……. It did, but …….
Heavy, wet snow? That’s perfect for snowballs, snowmen (and women) and snowforts. I’m jealous!!
I never knew you had a satellite dish there. It’s perfectly hidden. It seems like they’re usually stuck right next to the front door.
It’s still pretty “warm” here. Thirties at night and fifties during the day.
Oh, for a snow day like that. We “northerners” didn’t even get enough snow to cover the ground. Send some our way, please.
That top picture is BEAUTIFUL!!! I am so jealous of your snow! I do so hope we get at least one snow storm this winter. Just one.
And I’m glad neither of you fell out of the window. Because I’m pretty sure I would have.