I think that I forgot to write about moving the kittens to a larger area once we solved the don’t-poop-on-the-floor thing. Lloyd was the one to figure it out. He happened to be walking by when one of them was trying to get the poop off its bottom. Turns out that their poops didn’t have enough mass to drop off, so they were dragging them out of the box. (Lloyd gently shook the kitten to help it along.)
So we used all that handy lumber to cordon off the library corner of the basement. They have room to roam, climb, battle and sleep. They haven’t figured out how to get on the coffee table yet, so that’s Princess Batman’s domain as she ‘watches’ them. (She’s a terrible mother.)
They’re getting big. They’re mostly weaned, but still nurse occasionally. Combined, they are bigger than their mother.
Here, for a little contrast:
Sarge’s eye is on the mend. He looked fine after the plucking, and we were given some medicine to put in it three times a day to help with irritation, but it turned out the medicine was irritating. Poor guy. I checked him one morning and his eye was swollen shut. I called the vet office and they recommended taking him off of the ointment to see if it was just a bad reaction. (It was.) It looks fine now, but here’ what he looked like when I called him Ol’ Bum Eye.
So, overall, they are doing fine. I, however, am just about fed up with scooping litter three times a day. I don’t think the role of Crazy Cat Lady is suiting me very well.
Perhaps the difference between being a crazy cat lady and being featured on Hoarders is the frequency of scooping the litter box(es).
Those kittens are awfully cute.
When they can climb up on the coffee table, will that be the signal that it’s time to set them free?
Yes – they’ll be able to fly on their own then.
So what kinds of books do they like? Mewy Poppin? The Cat in the Rye?
Oh my gosh! I can’t believe how big those kittens have gotten!
And Sarge — you are too cute with your little bum eye! The look is adorable–I say keep it!