It’s been pretty dang cold here the past couple of days, and it’s just getting colder. We didn’t make it outside yesterday because the wind chill made it below 0. (“If it’s above 0 or below 100, we go outside. There’s no bad weather – just bad clothing.” – our motto.) Today we might squeak out for a few minutes, but blizzard-y weather is coming. Lloyd’s school ended yesterday for regular reasons, but other schools are calling off/called off for tomorrow already. We will still be open, of course.
Brad, if you are reading this, I can’t find your wool coat here. I don’t know who is picking you up from the airport, but they might want to bring a bunch of blankets. (Brad arrives tomorrow night.)
Brrrr. Stay warm, everyone.
Brad says
I’m hoping the weather doesn’t affect my travel. I keep checking, and it looks like the biggest issue isn’t snow, it’s the cold. Beth is picking me up. She said there are Christmas cookies and Christmas candies waiting for me when I arrive, so that should help calm my nerves…