A spooky tale of danger and disaster!!!!Â
So.  To enhance the super-spookiness of our fabulously decorated house, I called Lloyd on the phone and said, “We could put the wireless speaker outside and play scary music, but the speaker would get stolen.” “Well,” said Lloyd, “you could put it on the roof.”
Now here’s where all of YOU think, “Duh! You don’t put a piece of fairly pricey electronics on the roof, idiots. That obviously has disaster written all over it.” Well, nay-sayers and wet blankets, you don’t live on the edge like we do. We live life large, and that’s the way we like it.
So I went upstairs to Brad’s room and did a great job of balancing the speaker against the outside of the window. Great job. Really.   Once downstairs I thought, “Maybe I should go tie something to the handle and anchor it inside – but I’ve got people ringing the doorbell – I’ll wait until Lloyd gets home.”
When Lloyd got home I asked him to go upstairs to take it out of the window – so it wouldn’t fall. I told him just how it was balanced….. but I should have done it. (I mean, this thing was precarious – not great.) Sitting at the computer, I heard from above – THUMP! thumpthumpthumpthump.   Yeah, it fell – from the window, to the roof, to the gutter, to the sidewalk (and some in the grass, and a little in the hedge).  Â
No Trick-or-Treaters were harmed.
Here’s the result: