New Plan
I am, admittedly, the world’s worst aunt. I never write, never call, and get birthdays wrong or don’t get cards or presents sent. It’s a horrible flaw. Anyway, I have a plan to communicate with my nephews more. Target has these cool card & envelope sets. The cards aren’t foldy cards, so I wrote a note on one, and wrote my address & put stamps on two of them (so now they’ve become postcards from them to me). The plan is for the boys to read my card, which (loosely) says “Draw something that you see right now and get this postcard into the mail lickity-split!” Hopefully they’ll think it’s funny & fun.
Sick and bored
I have a sore throat today and feel like a big whiner. Yesterday I slept all afternoon, which resulted in a terrible night’s sleep. So today I’m watching a lot of t.v. while sitting on the floor so I don’t sack out. I also made lunch (tuna casserole) and tried a microwave cake recipe. (Some guy on Food Network was making microwave brownies, but I’m more of a cake person.) Anyway, it turned out ok. It was a little dry, so I guess I’d add more liquids or not zap it for the whole two minutes. If you want to try it, here’s a link.
The recipe is: In a microwave-safe container, mix these ingredients successively: (use a little whisk if you have it) 2 Tbs melted butter, 3 Tbs sugar, 1 egg, 2 Tbs cocoa powder, 2 Tbs flour, 1/8 tsp baking powder. Cover loosely and microwave 2 – 2 1/2 minutes. (I’d try under two minutes, and I added a splash of vanilla. I think I’d add a little milk or a little more butter to moisten it up.)
Happy Halloween!
It’s a do-nothing Saturday at the Sommerer’s, although if it’s anything like the last do-nothing day, we’ll be singing back up for Sting tonight. I’m wondering what I should get accomplished, and it might be getting out the Halloween decorations. Speaking of decorating, Brad had some electrical trouble at his home, but I completely think he should look on the bright side. Look what can be done to make it fit the holiday season! A little spray paint can work miracles!
A rebuttal to Brad’s hair posts

So long, dear friend.
This is a sad day indeed. Pictured here is my trusty container of ranch dressing powder that I put on popcorn – we’ve been together nearly two years.  We met at Sam’s Club in the spring of ’05. *sniff* I knew this day was coming, but I didn’t think it would hurt so much. Goodbye, muchacho – you will be sorely missed.
P.S. It was 16 ounces – 256 1/2 teaspoon servings. The label says, “use within six months of opening.”