I had to go to WalMart to pick up 4 things: Litter, tv, taco shells, tomatoes. Litter, tv (for the toddler room – theirs died), taco shells, tomatoes. Litter, tv, taco shells, tomatoes. Litter, tv, taco shells, tomatoes. Ooo! Get a Heath bar, too, to put in ice cream like a Blizzard!
I came home with litter, a tv, taco shells, and tomatoes.
Dang it. So I figured ‘how hard could it be to make toffee’? A quick google search said you just boil sugar and butter together with a pinch of salt! Well, it’s harder than you’d think. This was my first attempt:
This pan is too shallow. I didn’t stir it as it melted so they never incorporated and I burned it. Nice.
The second attempt was better, but I was impatient. I didn’t get it hot enough so it’s more hard caramel than toffee, and it doesn’t have enough chocolate on it. In my opinion, the toffee should be thinner than the chocolate.
I spread the chocolate after it melted a bit,
then put it in the fridge to harden. By this time I was mad because it was well after 7, so I wasn’t going to get to eat this.
Chop, chop, chop. Stir, stir, stir. (See banner photo.) I put too much ‘toffee’ in for the little bit of ice cream I had in the pint, so I put in some of the ice cream we were supposed to take to Sam and Rachel’s on Thanksgiving. Sorry, guys.
So, I guess I’ll have ice cream for breakfast to test it. If only Little Lauren could see me now -I’m living the dream!