Brad planted a holly plant in our back yard years and years ago. It was nice, but pointy and hurty when you touched it. Some years after that they dug up the pipe from our house to the city sewer line, and the holly was right in the path. We plopped it back down, but it was pretty damaged.
It was completely bare for the first two feet, then leaves started. Brad thought it looked cool, so we left it. Lately it’s just been an ever expanding bush, and needed to be trimmed back or dug up or something. But during this winter the old chiminea fell on it.
I thought that was a good look, so I decided to go with a new “ancient ruins” theme.
If you’ve had anything to do with Holly, you know how painful this was for both me and the plant.
But eventually I got the whole thing wired up just about right. In a few years this will look really cool or really dead. I think I’m okay with either outcome.
Have you noticed that as you get older, your event horizon gets longer? “This ought to look nice in half a decade” is not a thought that Lloyd of the past would have had.