So I finally got around to rolling and baking some of that cookie dough from a couple of days ago. I just have to say, rolling and cutting cookies is way more trouble than it’s worth. I even did the thing where you roll it between sheets of plastic wrap, and I still didn’t have fun. The only reason I wanted to do it was so I could decorate them my crazy way. I came up with this during my Martha Stewart-worship days when I wanted to learn how to decorate cookies that would be so beautiful, they’d make you cry. Yeah – that didn’t happen. After much frustration I just dumped all the icing together in the bowl and started dipping cookies into that, letting them drip, then flipping them over. I loved it!! They look like they’ve been tie-dyed.
This year I goofed up, though. I tried to be stingy with the icing since I didn’t have enough, and I had it too thin on the plate. It has to be deeper, so the cookie can gather enough to drip. Here’s a ‘before’ shot, with too little icing on the plate, which also creates bubbles:
Here’s the Jackson Pollock frosting assembly. Go nuts, with it, people!
Here’s the final batch, much more swirly and pleasing. Lloyd is pointing to the one he thinks turned out the best.
Of course, you have to replace the icing after a while, because it all muddles to gray (and nobody likes gray icing). I need a good sugar cookie recipe, though. I got this one off the internet, and I’m not thrilled with it. Of course, when am I ever going to make these again?