Those of you unfamiliar with my work should know that I only make prototypes: meaning that I’ll have an idea and bring it to 87% completion (just to see it work), then give up.
I found an interesting idea online about a candle heater. (It’s at if you’d like to check it out.) I went ahead and ordered one because I thought , “Here’s a guy who had an idea and actually carried it through! That kind of dedication has to be encouraged.” However, it’s going to take several days for mine to arrive, so I made an extremely dangerous prototype.
His candle heater has three flower pots and many more screws and washers, and a well-made stand – not a green bean can with sharp, dangerous gashes on the sides. I played with it all night, using the infrared thermometer to check how hot it was getting. I also gave myself a royal burn after touching the bolt. I knew it was hot, and was being very, very careful, then some demon possessed my mind and said, “Touch it. Touch it now.” Then I did. Stupid.
Don’t adjust your screen, the picture’s just blurry.