Back in college my very favorite professor was Dr. Beck. He was a musical genius who was the most quiet, humble man on the face of the earth. It was in his class that I realized I wasn’t some hot-shot grown up, but rather still a dumb kid, and he made me realize it by just quietly blinking at me with a look of “I can’t believe someone let her in here. Why am I doing this again?” Despite being a huge disappointment to him, I loved him and craved his approval.
In composition class, I was in way over my head. He kept saying terms that I knew were not English words and I was so, so lost. By some miracle I finally wrote a little piece without ‘parallel fifths’, and he gave me a smiley face sticker on my music paper. I think that very act defines who we both were.
Anyway, he wrote a little ditty to explain about rounds, and we all just loved it. It’s called ‘Friday the 13th’ and anyone who took his class has it going through their head every time that date rolls around.
I made this too late in the evening and had all kinds of trouble. I had iTunes trouble, ‘This computer is not authorized trouble’, iMovie trouble and Facebook trouble. By the time I posted it on Facebook for my fellow classmates, it was basically Saturday the 14th.
Oh, well.