I’m teaching a video editing class this semester. Here are a few of the recently finished projects:
Jumpin’ Cats!
Wally has the potentially deadly adorable trick where if I’m in the basement, he jumps/runs up to my shoulder. It’s cute now, but I understand this will be scary if he grows to 15 pounds or so.
I was trying to get it on video, but I was filming upstairs so you wouldn’t see my messy basement. Wally was being a putz – just circling my feet but not jumping – yet off to the side I noticed Ralph repeatedly jumping into the air.
That seemed like a much better use of camera time. I give you: Ralph Jumping at Dust Fairies While Emme Looks On and Wally Messes With A Towel.
15 hours of fun
There are two seniors at Lincoln Lutheran who don’t have a class 4th period and they typically hang out with me in the Mac Lab. They are both into war games and I showed them a website where they could buy games for cheap(er). This procured for me an invitation to my first game of Axis & Allies 1940 global:
That was the first 8 hours. We started at 8:00, ordered pizza for lunch (thanks Pizza Hut any pizza for $10 deal) and played until about 4:00. I thought for sure we would finish it up the second day. We started at 3:30 and called it quits at 8:00. There was no dinner and I don’t think any of us noticed. We started up again at 8:30 the next morning and finally finished early in the afternoon. I would have been all for calling it quits much sooner, but the kids were like, still really excited.
When it was all over one of them said, “It was so cool actually finishing a game. I can’t believe that you didn’t quit when it was obvious you were going to lose.” That’s just how I roll.
The Christmas Chicken
We went to my folks’ house for Christmas this year. We had just arrived, hugged everyone, put our luggage away and walked into the living room:
Lloyd’s mom: “Close the door so that chicken doesn’t come in the house!”
Lloyd’s dad: “That chicken won’t come in the house. I’m amazed it’s up on the deck.”
Chicken: walks through the door and jumps up onto the kitchen table.
The chicken stayed inside for a fair amount of time, placed presents under the tree and then flew up the chimney. What actually happened is only a little less far fetched. Dad showed us how to pickup chick(en)s correctly, told us how Brittney’s dog was scared of the chicken and then chased the dog all around the deck with the chicken. I’m sorry that I didn’t get any of that on video.
Silly string is never long enough
Each year the middle school students at Lincoln Lutheran sell magazines to raise money for some middle school related project (last year they put a basketball goal up outside). Usually they get prizes for selling a certain amount, but this year the top sellers got a can of silly string.
….. not as good as the trailer.
Before we begin, may I ask for some help? My dad is having an angiogram today, so prayers would be appreciated.
And now, our feature presentation – a really boring, unfunny, educational video about Amtrak’s Superliner sleeper car. It’s not that the train is boring, it’s just that this movie is far, far less exciting than the trailer.
Enjoy its adequateness.