Well, folks, another Saturday was frittered away at an auction. This was the Lincoln Public Schools auction, which is better than the rest because they have many things that I’m interested in. (The others just have rows upon rows of computers and monitors. *snore*) Sure, up close they’re all worthless, old globes and microscopes that nobody needs, but taken together – they’re like beautiful displays at Target!
Lloyd here now. I might need to find someone else to go to auctions with me. Lauren doesn’t appreciate them quite enough. She didn’t even mention that I bought 26 laser printers for $1.50 each. By the way, does anyone need a laser printer? …They might work…
She also didn’t mention the pallet of choir music that I got for $3.00. After pulling about a dozen “worthwhile” titles from the pallet we put a sign on it that said: FREE TO GOOD HOME. Some people even took some of it after Lauren pointed out that it makes good wrapping paper.
The pallet-o-music came with such classic titles as:
- You Don’t Bring Me Flowers by Neil Diamond
- Can You Read My Mind by Lois Lane
- Truly by Lionel Richie
- Mandy sung by Barry Manilow
- Babe by the river that runs through hell
- Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey by Sir Paul McCartney
- Eight Is Enough by the mid seventies