Why, oh why, do I wait until the bitter end of the day to make a post? My last shreds of consciousness long to go to couch bed, but there’s still this final task to complete. Tonight is even worse because I forgot my camera at school, so I have to dig through old ‘possible post’ photos. I’ll show you the socks.
I don’t mind walking in the cold, as long as nearly every part of my skin is enclosed in fabric. I wear tank tops under my shirt to prevent windy-belly-syndrome, pulled-up socks so my ankles don’t get cold, a scarf & hat, and long sleeves sealed up by gloves. When it was super-cold I wore the big ugly down coat and chopped the feet off some long socks so they could be used as quasi-legwarmers. (Under my pants, not like a bad 80’s nightmare.) One day it wasn’t freezing cold so I just wore my regular coat and a sweater with 1/2 sleeves. My wrists! My wrists were going to feel the wind! Nooooooo!!!! Enter the chopped socks.
I think the cat hairs really add something.