When I was growing up I had two Star Wars action figures: R2-D2 and a stormtrooper. That’s it. Personally, I find it hard to believe that that was it, but I’m pretty sure it was. Boys of my generation and particular mental bent spent a considerable amount of time thinking of Star Wars and how everything fit together. Thus it was with considerable interest and later considerable disappointment that I saw the last (first) three star wars films. It bothered me a bit that they didn’t make sense.
A few months ago I stumbled upon this little essay that links the two sets of movies together in a rather clever manner. It made me not hate the second (first) movies 3% less. Warning, it’s super geeky.
Heart Update:
I talked to a nurse at my cardiologist’s office (I thought it might be a few decades before I had to day that) and she talked to a nurse practitioner who reviewed my file (I’m resigned to the fact that it is only on TV that regular people get to talk to doctors) and said that it would be fine to go back to work on Monday, but I shouldn’t do anything to raise my heart-rate (only moderate walking and no more than 5 parenthetical comments per post). This is good news, because it is a pain in the butt to make a DVD of/for a lesson. It would be fun to do if I had a staff or, say, a week for each lesson. As it is, it takes about 5 hours to put a 20 minute lesson together. And they are not necessarily very good. They are certainly not the type of work that I would give a student in my Video Editing class an “A” for. But they are pretty good for 5 hours of work.
In other News:
I went with Lauren today to Omaha. She needed to pickup a few homeless ukuleles for unsuspecting teachers to use at her conference presentation on Saturday, and she said I could sit around in the car just as well as I could sit around on the couch. It was an uneventful trip except that I found out that my favorite sandwich from Subway is the highest in sodium that they sell.