Gadget Boy was here last night, with more wonderful toys! My brother Mark works for the Seminary in St. Louis and was in Nebraska doing some visits and he got to stay the night. He showed us his super-cool Garmin, which has an MP3 player, a photo album, language translators, a GPS guidance system and a bottle opener. We took the required super gadget shot!
I need one of those things so badly. I have trouble with east & west, and right and left, for that matter. Directions are hard. This things shows you in a little tiny car, and tells you when & where to turn in a sweet little voice. (Mark calls her Myrna.) Plus, the graphics kind of look like Guitar Hero! (Or Handbell Hero)
The best part of having company come is that it motivates my to get off my duff and clean the house. The guest room has been closed off since November, with experimental towels hanging over the windows and boxes and bags of stuff accumulating. It’s all better now, so I’m dying to do some sort of project in there!
Visit again, Mark, in about two or three months when that room’s a pit again, ok?