We had another successful Bad Movie Night on Tuesday, and Lauren is finally letting me write about it. We didn’t go into it thinking it would be anything out of the ordinary. Samith investigated the movies this time around and presented us with two choices: Jupiter Rising or Kingsmen.
Samith characterized Jupiter Rising as, “potentially having some love story element involved.” And he characterized Kingsmen as, “Has Samuel L. Jackson ever disappointed us?” Or, in the case of Bad Movie Night, maybe that should be, “Has Samuel L. Jackson ever not disappointed us?” Or maybe, “Has Samuel L. Jackson ever appointed us?”
They* say that good movies are all good in the same way, but bad movies are all bad differently. I think it’s fairly safe to say that Kingsmen was bad in the Oh-Sh*t-We-Ran-Out-Of-Money-And-The-Film-Isn’t-Done sort of way. Which is sort of, but not quite the same as Dusk Til Dawn’s I-Bet-You-Didn’t-Know-This-Was-A-Vampire-Movie sort of way. Oh, and belated spoiler alert for Dusk Til Dawn.
Afterwards we ate a Five Guys and reminisced about other spectacular Bad Movie Night Movies. What are some great bad movies that you’ve seen?
*No one says that, I just make things up.