I’m going to cross number 7 on the To-Do list off today! The rest of you can check in with Lloyd to see if he’s feeding the cats – I’m off to Minnesota! Of course, picking Black Friday might not be the smartest thing, but hey – whatever.
Ikea Hack 2
Oh, I am so ready for winter. All this summer nonsense with trying to keep cool is making me crazy. Give me the cold! And also the candles and hot drinks that I will use to heat my spouse and my house!!
I was thinking about hot drinks the other day and was wondering how I could keep my coffee piping hot in my freezing cold house during the winter. (Sorry, Lloyd.) I didn’t want a plug-in warmer, since that goes against my eco-freakiness. That leaves …. fire. I searched on the internet for warmers that use tea lights as fuel and almost bought one that heats up a teapot, but then thought surely I could cobble something together myself. As luck would have it, I saw the votive holder that Brad brought this summer. It’s called Oregano and it’s perfect for my mugs! This won’t work with my flat-bottomed mugs – they’ll slide right off. Woo-hoo! C’mon, winter!
*sigh* When will we get an IKEA in Nebraska?
Emo Fridge is Tired
Brad brought some wonderful presents from IKEA for me! I don’t know whether to be thrilled that he brought them, or angry at him for flaunting his IKEA shopping abilities at me.
One of the presents was a package of three wooden magnets. We had a conference today and our staff presented on playing with items in new ways. I have decided that these, along with my sugar dispenser, will show my mood. I am tired. Good night.
(More emotions to come later.)
By the way, all your entries yesterday were right, but Mark gets the points. 🙂
Brad is a cereal eater, and since he’s a guy, his custom is to rinse off his cereal bowl and spoon and set them by the sink to use again the next day. Since I’m a girl, I kept putting his bowl in the dishwasher every other summer. Oops! So this year, we’ve got the perfect solution! Lloyd helped with it’s construction – he’s got mad Dremel skills – and made the spoon notch just right!
Oh, how I love IKEA. Please visit their website to see all the wonderfully designed, inexpensive, fabulous things that I love so much! Unfortunately, there isn’t one anywhere in the Midwest. Most of my friends live close to one, the jerks. Kathryn & Todd have one in Chicago, Brad has one in Baltimore, and Charles and Deborah will have one soon in Salt Lake City.  *sigh*Â
Brad brought me my birthday/Christmas package this trip – NOTHING in this pile cost more that a couple of bucks. (He said that he looked through the super-clearance, in honor of my cheapness.)