I was too tired to post last night, and also too tired this morning. We’re taking Cricket to the vet this morning, so I’ll update on that later. Happy Saturday.
Blank Post
Due to my being a complete bonehead and thinking that yesterday was the 7th (and today being the 8th), I have no good post for today. But tomorrow’s – well, at least tomorrow’s is done.
No picture today, but I can tell you a little story about Delsym cough syrup. Did you know that one of the side effects of it is a rash? I’ve been taking it since Sunday, and wondered why my back was getting so itchy. Around 2 p.m. yesterday it became unbearable, and when I got home – I had some sort of lacy rash. (Of course, I didn’t read about the side effect until after I had already taken another dose. It was an itchy night.) So this morning, no rash, but the cough is back. So for the memory archives: Lauren, don’t take Delsym.
There, a very disappointing post. Especially compared to yesterday’s!
I don’t have a post! I don’t have a post!! It’s time for bed and we don’t have anything. I won’t let Lloyd write about bad movie night, and a photo of me paying bills is too boring. Plus, that’s over. Here’s a picture of my hand typing this, the most terrible post yet to date. Sorry, guys, they can’t all be winners.
Not much
Sorry, but I don’t have much to say. Working late, home visits at night, this is not my best lifestyle for writing. I don’t even have a cool link to post. Maybe Lloyd will read this later and save me. See you later!
I got nothing. We spent most of our day sleeping (Lloyd with the help of medication, me with the help of natural laziness).  The Ham Fairy came by during our nap, which was a nice surprise. (Friday’s Soup Fairy must have been in cahoots with her.)Â
Happy Monday. Â
Open Mike Night
You believe in fairies, don’t you? Clap to keep Tinkerbell alive! Clap! Clap!
So on talk radio when the host is too lazy to actually host, they have Open Mike time. Since Lloyd and I will be gone for Thanksgiving, it’s up to you – the fans and the lurkers – to keep this website going. (The internet connection is iffy at my folks, so I don’t know if we’ll be able to update.) I’d like y’all to tell us what you’ll be doing for Thanksgiving, or offer a good recipe or cooking tip to keep this thing alive until Sunday.
Thanks for your support!