I broke down and took Pfennig to the vet. She’s had a crusty/goopy eye for an embarrassingly long amount of time. (Since….December? I don’t know.) She’s ok, just some conjunctivitis that may be blocking her tear ducts. The cute vet* said that we had two options – just do some eye medicine and hope that it cures everything, or put her under anesthesia and flush out her tear ducts with money. Of course, I’m trying the eye cream first.
It is much more pleasant taking Pfennig to the vet than Cricket. Cricket lashes out at everyone there and one time she bit all the way through my finger. Pfennig just trembles and shoots fur out in clouds. This time she got to stay in the box for the whole thing. (We don’t have a cat carrier since I gave it away with a kitten in it once. The box is far funnier.)
* I should say, “One of the cute vets”, for there are three – all cute.
What could happen if you let eye infections go too long? Ned can tell you….