A while back I came across the wesite of the Slanket, an ingenious combination of a blanket with sleeves – perfect for keeping warm while lounging about, yet still keeping your arms free for reading or changing channels. I loved the idea so very, very much, but was unwilling to shell out the money for one. So, I decided to try to make my own out of cheap Wal-Mart throws. Turns out, I would really recommend buying one from the website, since the one I made looks like a blind person did it. The seams are all crooked and inside-out, and there are a bunch of tiny threads all over the material from when I had to rip a whole seam out, and the the little throws I bought to make them didn’t have enough fabric for the project. Ah, as the old saying goes, “God is in the details…. and Lauren’s making crap again.”
It is warm, though!
UPDATE: “Instructions!”