As you know, my brother will be here on Wednesday, and his room isn’t clean*, so I built a shelf.
Melanie, who I work with, wanted a funky storage area under her loft for some of the fun doo-dads she has for the kiddos. It struck me as a most magnificent idea, and said I’d help. I even bought the ‘select’ lumber (on sale, of course) so it wouldn’t be completely warped when it was finished. She sketched her idea for me, and I actually drew out some plans (with some modifications, of course). (I plan to say ‘of course’ several more times. Care to join me?)
I’m nearly done attaching things, but I had to give up for the night. I’m up way past my bedtime, and with my creaky old knees, I don’t think I can do carpentry on the floor much longer. That stinks. How am I going to find a workbench that’s as big as a whole floor?
* Mark, the sheets are clean, and if you can get to the closet without running into the treadmill, we’re good to go. Of course.