We’re visiting Lloyd’s family in Missouri this weekend and attending an auction for the new Lutheran high there. Since we’re gone, your job is either to tell a funny joke or come up with a caption for this picture:
Stupid humans. The they could have left us some voles or at least dry cat cereal…instead all we get to eat is vegetable matter, don’t they know Pfennig already has elimination issues…stupid humans.
My favorite joke right now:
The dad worm says to the son worm, “Hey Son, pull my finger!” The son worm says to the dad worm, “What’s a finger?”
Kitty Facial:
1) Apply avocado and gently massage using circular motion with declawed paws.
2) Wait 3 minutes.
3) Moisten paw with tongue and remove dried avocado from face.
Ta-da! You’ll look one cat life younger!
4 points
Great for soothing pained tongues due to pokes from cactus needles. Lick as often as needed.
Stupid humans. The they could have left us some voles or at least dry cat cereal…instead all we get to eat is vegetable matter, don’t they know Pfennig already has elimination issues…stupid humans.
My favorite joke right now:
The dad worm says to the son worm, “Hey Son, pull my finger!” The son worm says to the dad worm, “What’s a finger?”
“Cat and Avocado.”
by Lauren Somererer
(operating on 3 hrs. of sleep)
Kitty Facial:
1) Apply avocado and gently massage using circular motion with declawed paws.
2) Wait 3 minutes.
3) Moisten paw with tongue and remove dried avocado from face.
Ta-da! You’ll look one cat life younger!