You’re going to have to blame Lauren for this one. She told me when I got home from parent-teacher conferences that I had to write the post. In her defense, I only had 3 parents show up. So that went well.
But I know why you really come here. You’re looking for something to waste your time. Well, do I have the game for you. While I was sitting around the house being sick and bored a couple of weeks ago, an ad for a game popped up in Flip Board and, because reading Flip Board was getting boring, I decided to play the game.
It’s been a pretty good game. That is to say, I’ve enjoyed wasting my time playing it. I don’t know if you’ll like it. It’s hard to pick out games for other people. Except for Deborah. I know Deborah won’t like it. I think maybe it’s like Clash of Clans, but I haven’t actually played Clash of Clans. It seems like there’s more to do than in Clash of Clans though. At least from what I saw of Brad and Tim playing it. When you’re new, they put you in with a bunch of other new players, and that’s nice. I can tell I’m not doing a good job of selling it.
You can play it in a browser or on an iPad or Android device, which I guess is good for time wasting. If you want to try it, use this link, and I think they send me chocolates or something. I will share the chocolates with you.