(Note: I was talking to Brad tonight and we were saying that we didn’t know what we’d post tomorrow. We joked about just re-posting old stuff, so here it is again: The first post ever! Now the question is, will the old comments still be here?)
It seems like everybody else has such a cool website, we thought we’d throw in our two cents. That’ll show that guy at http://www.bradaptation.com what’s what! Heh heh…..
Top Ten Reasons We Decided to Have A Blog:
10. We wanted to be as cool as Brad.
9. It’s a reason to shop for a digital camera.
8. We are REALLY bad friends / son / daughter / brother / sister and hardly ever call anybody, so this will be a way to check in to see if we’re still alive.
7. Any chance to post pictures of my ‘prototypes’ will just enhance the world as we know it.
6. Did we mention we wanted to outdo Brad? His website is so cool, I hate him.
5. Our cats are really not getting enough airtime, and their agent is hounding us.
4. Because the domain name lloydandlauren.com wasn’t taken.
3. This should work out to be cheaper than Christmas cards.
2. You WANT to hear about the glamorous life of Lutheran schoolteachers in Nebraska.
1. The billboard in our yard documenting our life was causing our neighbors to complain. (Don’t believe what they say – floodlights canNOT cause automotive paint to peel.)
That’s all for now.