Karla, nothing has made me laugh harder after opening an envelope. You guys rule! (Click the picture if you’re new to the story).
You are in the category of ‘People who can buy exactly the right thing for someone’. My hat’s off to you!
by Lauren 7 Comments
I was very, very tired at work today. I was so tired that as I was walking away from the building – mere steps out the door – I realized that I left my camera behind, and was too tired to walk back in and get it. So, no photo today. Instead, I give to you the funniest cartoon you’ll see all day – perhaps all year! It’s from Jacob Borshard, the guy who made that ukulele video I like so much. Click on it to see it full-size, then print it out, hang it up where you’ll see it often, and it will bring you joy.
by Lauren 6 Comments
We all know that Lloyd is the easiest person in the world to draw, right? A long time ago I asked Lloyd to draw himself, and he made himself look like a Chinese wise dude. I also asked Annette and Beth to do one, but I have lost those drawings – they are somewhere in the many piles of paper around here. I’m sorry.
Way, way back at Lloyd’s reunion, though, we passed around some notebook paper and asked people to draw him. I’ve forgotten who drew what, but I thought it was high time that these were posted. If you’d like to e-mail your own entry, I’d be glad to add it!
It’s not what you think. No beautiful stained glass windows or banners.
At our church we have prayer request sheets in each pew, and every Sunday I am delighted by the crazy drawings some kid has drawn on the back. I’ve wanted to take pictures of them for a long time, and last Sunday I happened to have my camera phone. (Which happens to have been returned. Don’t tell us cellular guy.) So, the picture quality leaves something to be desired.
Wouldn’t a gallery of these be hilarious?
Explosion or monster on its side?
Riding a rocket or guitar?
I’m not sure what this is, but it doesn’t look too good for that one guy.
It’s not easy being married to a geek. Lloyd’s so quiet – always tappity-tapping on his computer keyboard, and when he does talk, I can’t understand anything he says. He’s interested in politics, which puts me right to sleep. Then there are all the computery-math-geeky things he does – reading books about equations and programming and chess. He reads BOOKS about CHESS. Good grief! I don’t understand any of the computer stuff at all. Did you know that a ‘server’ is not a waiter? And a wireless router is not a woodworking tool?
I like tv. shows and making a mess. We’ve come to a compromise. When he starts talking like a grown-up and my eyes glaze over, we draw this symbol in the air.
There’s a big ol’ purple van sitting in our driveway tonight. No, we didn’t win the lottery – Lloyd is going to be the school shuttle driver on Wednesdays. It’s very exciting.
I hope the kids will recognize him. He’s shaved down from the full beard to just a goatee. I like it, but it makes drawing him a little more complicated. The all-around face scribble has to be broken up into parts.
Have you tried drawing Lloyd today? It’s as easy as pie – give it a shot! Use a black marker, because that boy’s got a lot of hair.