The Royuks had their family portraits done at a nice place in Lincoln, but they made the mistake of leaving the master CD with all those pictures here where Lloyd could get his hands on it.
Oh, you’re going to want to see this.
by Lauren 8 Comments
The Royuks had their family portraits done at a nice place in Lincoln, but they made the mistake of leaving the master CD with all those pictures here where Lloyd could get his hands on it.
Oh, you’re going to want to see this.
We spent Easter Sunday with the Pesters and the Royuks eating delicious food. Afterwards, most people sacked out, and I read a story with Tara. Mrs. Royuk (Beth and Brad’s mom) and I were talking about children’s books, and I mentioned that there is one elusive alphabet book from my childhood that I just can’t find no matter how hard I try. I’ve looked for it in all the used bookstores Lloyd drags me to and on the internet, but I just can’t find it. It haunts me. I said, “It’s called I Wish I Was an Artichoke.”
“I have it,” she said.
What??! I literally freaked out. (Get it? Literally? …..never mind.)
Today at school she came into my room with the most beautiful present ever. The children wanted to know what it was so I told them about this very special book that I remembered from when I was little. Before we opened it, I predicted that the cover would still be green, the title would be in big letters, and the artichoke would be leaning to one side – not straight up and down.
I forgot that he was sad. And I’ve misremembered the title all these years, which is good – I never could remember if it was ‘I wish I was an artichoke’ or ‘I wish I were an artichoke.’ We read it together, and each page was just perfect. I forgot that it was in rhyme form – it was the illustrations that stuck with me. I especially remember the ice from this page:
The children’s favorite page was the ‘monster’ page – onomatopia.
Thank you so much, Elaine! You made a dream come true!!!!
by Lauren 9 Comments
Ahem. Take two. When I told Lloyd that tomorrow (today, when you’re reading this, but I actually said it two nights ago) is Brad’s birthday, his first reaction was, “Dang. That means I missed Sam and Brittney’s birthdays.” So, Sam & Brittney – Happy Belated from (Crazy Uncle) Lloyd. He’s too lazy to say it himself.
Back to Brad. Have a great day! What’s the gift that keeps on giving? I think you know.
[youtube: 520 433]
No Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink was harmed during the making of this film. After filming, though, it was sucked mercilessly into the vacuum cleaner and died a horrible death.I think that one thing is a Shrek-head, though I didn’t mean it to be one. I’ve never done this before, ok? And how come I don’t own a tripod? You people would be a lot less seasick if I had a tripod. And you have to admit – it’s the best rockin’ birthday song that you don’t have to pay Paul McCartney royalties for!
Well, Brad’s gone again. That means the heat is turned back down, the stairway curtain’s back up, it’s very quiet around here and Lloyd and I are quietly typing away at our computers. School starts again, and life is back to ‘normal’. Boo. Normal stinks.
As is my custom, a video has been created to commemorate the close of this time. Our thanks to the Royuks who included us in their Christmas celebration, since I’ve become too chicken to travel anywhere in the winter. This video is for you – and to the rest of our audience, did you know that there was a song called “Christmas in Nebraska”? I’m not kidding. Feast your ears!
[youtube: 520 433]
Alright people, give us your best guess! Beth’s baby, Tim, has a due date of July 15, but there’s almost no chance she’ll make it until then. Format: Date, Time, Weight, Length (Height?).Â
(By the way, that’s root beer in the picture, so don’t nobody go a-freakin’.)
by Lloyd 3 Comments
Brad, Beth and Brent’s mom is the middle of the birthday sandwich. In years past (before we were aware of this fact) December 18 was reserved for Lauren ordering me around all day. “I’m your elder now and you have to do what I say.” Now things are much better. A year or so ago I put together some photos from the Royuks many travel adventures. Here’s one: