I have a good story to tell, but I felt really sick yesterday evening and slept from 4:00 yesterday until just now. Let’s hope that today goes better.
Let’s fill space by …… heck, I don’t know. (My stomach hurts. I can’t think.)
I have a good story to tell, but I felt really sick yesterday evening and slept from 4:00 yesterday until just now. Let’s hope that today goes better.
Let’s fill space by …… heck, I don’t know. (My stomach hurts. I can’t think.)
by Lauren 5 Comments
40 thanks, to be exact.
Peggy sent a hilarious present in the mail that she received at a white elephant exchange. I love it! It’s a ukulele box that will have a place of honor in our house. She filled it with 40 paper clips and 40 post-its.
There was also a bag of 40 suckers with a very appropriate phrase. (I don’t know, though – 39 was pretty rough. Is 40 going to be worse?)
Thank you, Peggy – you made our day(s)!
by Lauren 6 Comments
We were coming home from church today and there was a little box sitting by the front door. I was excited because I thought it was something I ordered (more on that another day), but it was something even better – a package from Peggy!!
I was flummoxed about what she might have sent, so I made it be a reward and only opened it after cleaning up the kitchen and making lunch. I just about split my sides when I opened the box. Hilarious ‘hand’ soaps!! The funniest part is that she wrote a really sweet note thanking me for the ‘Miracle Bar’, and said she was sending some natural handsoaps along – and said NOTHING about their shape! Lloyd (and Beth) thought it was classic, too.
Thank you, Peggy!! They have a place of honor in the bathroom, and I’m torn between washing my hands with one right now or saving them forever. What a quandry…..
Well, we ate the MRE, and pronounced it spicy! The chili and macaroni was tasty, but surprisingly spicy. The bread was dense and strange, and the cheese spread was spicy. The red hots – spicy. All spicy, and all pretty durn tasty. The creamsicle cookies? Fabulous! We’re actually thinking that MRE’s might actually be handy to have on hand – you know, for the Apocolypse and everything. Thanks again, Peggy! (I took photos, but they looked a little strange.)
In other news, it is taking me longer than I though to put the IKEA loot to good use. I keep having distractions when there’s time to hang stuff up (like barfing children), but the housekeeping area is taking shape. I needed to have writing materials in there, so a steel strip and magnetic boxes did the trick!
That’s all the news from Lake Wobegone. Wait – can I get sued for saying that?
Thanks, Peggy!!
I remembered to bring my camera home tonight – hooray for me. That’s the only thing that went right today. (Don’t ask.) Anyway, I can show you all the surprise package that arrived yesterday – the MRE meal from Peggy. Score! Chili and macaroni, wheat snack bread, cheese spread with jalapenos, and various sweet things – yum!
We opened it up, but are pacing ourselves. We’re going to actually cook it tomorrow. Lloyd was super-excited to see that Cinnamon Imperials are in there (Red Hots to you and me), and I’m extremely interested in the creamsicle cookies. I have to say – it is a wonder of gadgety-ness. I especially like how the people who wrote the directions seem to have a sense of humor.
“or something” Ha! To any spouses of soldiers who may be out there – please tell your family ‘thanks’ for me! Thanks again, Peggy! Tune in tomorrow for the tasting results….
by Lauren 6 Comments
A while back I said something about how my kids were collecting postcards from all over the country, and we didn’t have one from Maryland. Well, sneaky Peggy mailed one to us, and signed it ‘The Mayor’. I had to admit, I was a little confused (for a second) about who might have sent it, but then I realized that Brad is way too much like me and might have thought about it, but not done it.
Peggy, you’re awesome. I wish you were the Mayor.