We’re an Aunt and Uncle again! Rachel, Mark’s wife, gave birth to Matthew Anton Hofman yesterday (June 8th) in St. Louis. Her early contractions started early Saturday morning, and they went to the hospital Sunday night, Matthew was born sometime Monday afternoon. That’s too long, if you ask me. They should have tried Overnight or Next Day Delivery . (rim shot)
No comments needed here today. Why don’t you head on over to Mark’s site and congratulate the new parents? (Mark and Rachel know you guys from here. 🙂 )
Congratulations on being a new aunt! (…even though you didn’t really do anything to deserve congratulations)
Except be born. And really that was all your Mom. So…congratulations Mrs. Hofman!!! 😀
Love the toes dangling out of the stork’s delivery pouch!
Congratulations to all & to all a good night…or good day! 🙂
happy times!