This is a sad day indeed. Pictured here is my trusty container of ranch dressing powder that I put on popcorn – we’ve been together nearly two years.  We met at Sam’s Club in the spring of ’05. *sniff* I knew this day was coming, but I didn’t think it would hurt so much. Goodbye, muchacho – you will be sorely missed.
P.S. It was 16 ounces – 256 1/2 teaspoon servings. The label says, “use within six months of opening.”
Beth says
Is that mold at the bottom? Eeeeewwww.
Lauren says
Speak no evil of my beloved! Those are ‘spices’…or maybe hydroxypropyl methycellulose….
Beth says
I noticed your name was underlined, Lauren…so I clicked. It took me to the top of the page… Perhaps you could add a self shot so the link to you isn’t a picture of an empty ranch dressing bottle…though there is probably some symbolism that could be conjured (that doesn’t look right, maybe that was her name, Brad…) up.
Brad says
Hydroxypropyl methycellulose is a common additive in “ready-to-eat sauces, gravies and dressings, and mixes to be reconstituted before consumption” (the internet rocks!). Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (notice the added “L”) is the main component of “artificial tears” eye drops. Let me join Beth in saying Eeeewwww.
Annette says
Mold…..ranch seasoning on popcorn……I think it’s all the same flavor. Sorry, Lauren….just never could acquire the same beloved taste! I’d like to introduce you to my friend, “parmesan.” (now that doesn’t look right, maybe this is how you spell Brad’s hairdresser’s name??)
Brad says
I’ll go back there after school today and ask for “Parmesan” and see if anybody responds!