Well, if you took all the time to read those old posts, here is the payoff:
Citibank re-opened the dispute, contacted the merchant, and we got our money back! Huzzah! Hooray! I even wrote a thank- you note to the dispute people thanking them for doing a thankless job.
Now, I don’t know if it was because of the Google doc or if the merchant agreed that they were in the wrong or if Citibank was just tired of hearing from me, but at least I said my piece.
Oh, I forgot something that you might have seen if you read the Google doc: The information and screenshots that the merchant provided about their terms and conditions and return policy? They were from a different website. Thepremiumleather.com instead of leatherings.com. Good grief.

So, the moral of this story is: Don’t let Lloyd buy anything off the internet unless it’s from Amazon.
Also, I would really like to get this jacket back to the manufacturer, I just don’t want it to cost $300. Anyone headed to Pakistan?
Good for you!!!! Justice has been served. [gavel slams]
I believe that coat is your payment for all of your work. Sell it on Seward Swap.