I am never going to get back to regular posting, but it is awfully handy to have a record of what’s been going on in life so that Future Lauren can have some memory about the past. Let’s see……
Weather. It hasn’t been too hot, and we’ve actually had some rain. In fact, over the past few weeks we’ve had tornado warnings at night. We actually went down to the basement for those – Lloyd set up the hammock and I had an air mattress the first night and the camping cot the second. I cleaned up the basement a tiny bit so it would feel less like sleeping in a dumpster.

We lost a big branch in one of the storms and Lloyd chopped it up with our little electric chainsaw.

Health. I had a colonoscopy. Yay. One little polyp but other than that it was fine. I also have had a rash that first cropped up in 2020, but this one raged all over. Little fluid-filled blisters that itched like mad, then progressing to just red itchy bumps. I went to the clinic and a dermatologist, but all they found out was that it wasn’t a gluten allergy. Useless. Notes for the future: Mometasone makes them firery, Dapsone and predisone seem to be helping.
House. Lloyd cleaned out the front entry and I ‘improved’ it by putting in a shelf to corral the stuff for Morning Fires by the Lake. It’s awfully handy to just have that stuff upstairs and ready to go. We’ve gone a few times this spring/summer. Gotta get that park pass cost down to a few bucks per use.

Sommerer Stuff. Anna and Luke got married! The wedding was lovely – my first outdoor wedding attendance. They had lots of friends and family and thankfully the weather was good. A little windy and hot to start, but it cooled down nicely.
Other Sommerer Stuff. Sam had a knee replacement. That family is going through rather a lot – Anna and Gracen both graduated and Sam took a call to be principal in Utica. Rachel is holding it all together, God bless her.
I think that’s about it from here. See you in …. July?
There is a LOT of news in this post. I don’t know what to react to. We should talk on the phone more or something.
But I think what I’ll write a comment about is that I have Ego brand products too! How fun! My mower and string trimmer/ edger are Ego. They’re such fun toys!
Love the updates. Hope you feel better soon.