The love of gadgets is strong in my family. I have it. My father has it. ….my brother has it.
Mark has a job which ‘requires’ him to have endless super-cool gadgets: a GPS thing for his travels, an adorable tiny laptop (that I covet), a video iPod with awesome headphones and a case that will protect it from being run over by a truck , a Palm Pilot, a super-duper camera with an eight-pound lens, and a midget. (The white headphones in the photo aren’t Mark’s good ones, they’re our hurty ones.) We had fun playing with all these things during their visit, but we gave him a pretty hard time about his wallet. Nobody in the world could have as many cards as he does – credit, i.d., membership, gift – it’s crazy!
Here’s a close-up of the wallet, complete with reference quarter.
He’d better not let his doctor see that wallet. My doctor told me I couldn’t do that because sitting on it was hurting my back. Now I’ve got a tiny wallet in my front pocket.
Your first line is hilarious! You’re on a roll…
Tee hee. I blush.
We all have our own inflictions to deal with, don’t we?
I’m trying to think what “love” exists strongly in my family…perhaps just a love of addictions…we all seem to have them…
Brad has an unnatural addiction to gardening, Brent has an unnatural addiction to public radio (and cigars), I have an unnatural addiction to my OCD tendencies (and buying purses), Dad has an unnatural addiction to downloading attachments to emails…
You’re right Peggy, we all have our own inflictions…
You forgot to include the Treo 700 cellphone/PDA.
And the bluetooth headset.
And the Logitech QuickCam video-conferencing camera.
And the little zipper bag to store all the power cords.
And the backpack to haul it all around in.
And the pack mule.
I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little Treo 700, too. You mock me with your gadgets!
And lest anyone get the WONG idea about why that wallet is so thick…
It only had $2 and a New York City Bus Pass in it. Honest.
(Lauren here. I’m guessing you really meant ‘Wong’ due to the whole Chinese church thing, right? We really should post that story.)
No, that wasn’t intended to be Chinese. That would be politically and cultuwally insensitive.
It was my best impwession of Elmew Fudd.
I don’t know what proper blog etiquette is in these cases. When people comment on my blog and make a typo, should I use my EDIT powers to fix it without telling them? Is pointing out typos impolite? In a case like this, where it could have been funny because of the Chinese story connection, it could very well have been intentional, so that complicates things even more.
Is there a “Miss Manners” for blogs?
Don’t ask me – I’ve re-written some comments that I thought weren’t funny enough.
As for me and Lloyd, fix any typos you find. Mark, I’m very glad it was intentional, because it was funny!
Yes, please use your Edit powers! I’ll test you on this …