Whatever could this be for?
We have a laptop! It was supposed to be for school, but I’ve already named it, so now it’s mine. It’s SOOOOOOOOO cute! Teeny-tiny, and cute as a button. It arrived last week (9 3/4 by 7 1/2 inches , 2 lbs 11 oz, brown eyes, brown hair), and it’s delightful! It came with a weeny little sleeve, though, and since I’ll be toting it to and from school, I sewed a new sleeve out of the remains of the Slanket and a windbreaker. Good enough for who it’s for.
So, how tiny is it? Tiny.
Cute laptop! Cuter sleeve! I want one.
Are you using a tiny computer for school because you work with tiny kids? Does that mean I should get a computer that goes through rapid growth spurts?
…and has raging hormones.
Might I recommend Windows Vista to you?
I want one. How much does one of those tiny little darlings cost? I mean how much did it cost now…and how much will it cost in 5 years when I can afford one? 😀
This one cost $379.00, but they have some at Target that are similar for $299.00, and I expect someone to have some on Black Friday for $199.00. But you really want to try typing on them first. The one we were planning on getting didn’t really work for Lauren.
So…will you be around to go through the Black Friday adds with me and tell me what’s good? 😀
Let me know what y’all find. I’m interested in having a cheap laptop for mobile posting.
You guys should keep an eye on this site… http://www.blackfriday.info/
ADORABLE!!! The laptop & the cover…seriously, you could sell the covers…did you make a nice strap for it so you can sling it over your shoulder.
How about a picture of the computer opened?
Does this mean that you have abandoned your allegiance to Macs?
We are eccumenical in our computer purchases. (I had to look that up to make sure it meant what I thought it meant.)
I don’t get the two dishes in the picture?
It took me a long time to figure out what the thing to the right in the second picture is.
I think she used it to create template for the flap???
Yeah! I’m in a hotel with a computer!!! and, no toe nail clippings
Yep, flap template. And then I ate spaghetti on the floor.
Why did Lloyd show up as Anonymous?
What brand of computer is it? It kind of looks like an Apple, but not quite.
It’s an acer aspire one. You can visit their website, but it’s not very helpful.
Check these out. Thought they were funny and reminded me of you two!
I love them!!! Do you think I could get a glasses-less version? Or really damage Lloyd’s eyes somehow?
Just make him put on the Clark Kent outfit more often! Or glasses with out lenses!