Thy art not funny October 24, 2012 by Lauren 6 Comments Am I wrong, or is this sign…. wrong? Shouldn’t it be ‘thou’ to make sense?
Brad says October 25, 2012 at 4:25 am I think they may be saying it that way on purpose, but I’ll let others join in the comment fun before I say why. It’s still weird though… Your caption reminds me of the move “Crazy People”, where they do lots of funny ads. Reply
Peggy says October 25, 2012 at 6:47 am Is it a take off of “With this ring, I thee wed…” But then wouldn’t it be, “With these rings, thee be fed.” Or is thy the plural for thee? Thou hasith a headache now. Reply
Brad says October 25, 2012 at 11:17 am I was thinking the same thing, Peggy. And I think they say “Thy” because it rhymes with “I” “I thee wed” becomes “Thy be fed” Reply
Lauren says October 25, 2012 at 4:41 pm Yes, I thought about the rhyme, too, but I can’t get past the annoyance of it sounding wrong. Grouchy Old Ladyhood, here I am. Where’s my sweater? It’s cold in here. Reply
Kristi says October 25, 2012 at 7:19 am That fits right in with “GitnSplit.” I think they left the “E” out of thy. Reply
I think they may be saying it that way on purpose, but I’ll let others join in the comment fun before I say why. It’s still weird though…
Your caption reminds me of the move “Crazy People”, where they do lots of funny ads.
Is it a take off of “With this ring, I thee wed…” But then wouldn’t it be, “With these rings, thee be fed.” Or is thy the plural for thee?
Thou hasith a headache now.
I was thinking the same thing, Peggy. And I think they say “Thy” because it rhymes with “I”
“I thee wed” becomes “Thy be fed”
Yes, I thought about the rhyme, too, but I can’t get past the annoyance of it sounding wrong. Grouchy Old Ladyhood, here I am. Where’s my sweater? It’s cold in here.
I think I’d have gone with I’d.
That fits right in with “GitnSplit.”
I think they left the “E” out of thy.