I don’t often put gas in my truck (since I only drive it 1 1/2 miles a day), but when I get to put gas in the Prius on the weekend, it’s exciting – because it means a trip to Costco! The Lincoln store always has gas that is cheap (around $2.50-$2.70 is a good price), but the Omaha location is CHEAP. I often text Lloyd about my conquest.

Lloyd likes cheap gas, too. He has the app Gas Buddy that tells you what the gas prices are around you, and he also has a Phillips 66 app that gives him 15 – 25 cents off per gallon.
Well on our way out to Colorado, we stopped in Denver for the night. (This time we stayed at a swanky hotel that had a barn door to the bathroom…. with a window, riddle me that.)

Anyway, the next morning we stopped at the Phillips 66 in Idaho Springs, just a couple of miles west of Denver. The regular price was something like $3.45 a gallon. Lloyd did the app thing….. and it was $2.12. I want to make sure you read that right: TWO DOLLARS AND TWELVE CENTS. I would have been more excited but I was already pretty heavily medicated due to the prospect of hitting icy roads in the mountains.
On the way back to Nebraska, Lloyd was calculating how much gas he needed to put in at the start of the trip so we’d have an empty tank in Idaho Springs. Same situation, and I felt like a criminal as we left the station. So cheap!!
I told my friend about it, and she also has the app and thinks it was a Thanksgiving promotion. Well, if it took $1.30 off each gallon – totally worth it.